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EADIPS members at TAUSENDWASSER 2019 – Success makes you want more


A new spirit of optimism, innovative strength and great future potential – TAUSENDWASSER, the new trade fair and congress format for the water industry, celebrated a successful opening. This is the summary on the homepage of the TAUSENDWASSER trade fair. On two varied days in the Potsdamer film park Babelsberg stood also the EADIPS members

  • Düker GmbH
  • Duktus (Wetzlar) GmbH & Co. LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
  • Keulahütte Ltd.
  • vonRoll hydro (germany) gmbh

for discussions with the specialist public. Around 1,200 experts from the water industry visited the trade fair. Both regional and national trade visitors used the two days of the fair to find out about their products and services and to make and maintain contacts.


After a convincing start in Potsdam, TAUSENDWASSER will move to Station-Berlin in March 2021 with the next edition, in order to be able to offer more supporting programmes there. TAUSENDWASSER wants to plan a rotational change between Berlin and Brandenburg in order to represent the water management metropolitan region Berlin-Brandenburg permanently.

Look forward to the next issue of TAUSENDWASSER 2021!