Annual Journal 49 – 2015

Themes, Authors, Abstracts, Keywords (Details)

Trenchless replacement of sewage pipes and the protection of historical monuments
By Dirk Müller

The rehabilitation of an old sewer (concrete eggshaped profile) in a thermal spring protection area and an archaeological monument from the Carolingian period under pressure of time for the planned festivities for the 1200-year anniversary of the death of Charlemagne in 2014 could be a nightmare for the planners in charge. In order to avoid additional obstacles and delays due to the constant presence of urban archaeologists, the work was carried out beneath the archaeologically relevant horizon using the trenchless technique (forepole driving a tunnel). A good measure of cooperation and ductile iron sewage pipes cut to three-metre lengths finally resulted in success.

Keywords: Trenchless replacement, ductile sewer pipes, DN 300, protection of historical monuments, trenchless technique, Stadtwerke Aachen Aktiengesellschaft (STAWAG), engineering firm, AGEVA GmbH & Co. KG, Geil & Partner GbR, plans, supply and disposal pipelines, city of Aachen, Pfalzbezirk, city hall, Aachen Cathedral, Katschhof, Krämerstraße, Ritter-Chorus-Straße, Johannes-Paul-II.-Straße, Klosterplatz, market, construction stage, 1st construction stage, work on the sewer system, district heating pipeline, Couven Museum, open-trench technique, listed monument, excavation work, archaeological site, archaeologists, construction work, interruptions, standstills, completion, construction time, anniversary of the death of Charlemagne in 2014, time frame, 2nd construction stage, excavation work, surface, gallery construction method, safeguarding the archaeological monument, particular conditions, construction site, Charlemagne Centre, installation area, deliveries, crane positioning, surface redesigning, events, inner city area, emergency routes, access for fire services, site equipment, launch pit, load class SLW 60, Cathedral Information Office, Cathedral Treasury, schedule, gallery, sewer renovation, construction plan, sewer pipelines, gallery system, total length, shotcrete launch pits, route, tree preservation, concrete pipes, egg-shaped profile, pipe bed, depths, covering heights, pipe material, zinc coating, epoxy finishing layer, TYTON® push-in joints, renovation project, thermal spring protection zone, pipes, standard length, working space, egg-shaped profiles, clear width, reinforcement arches, clear gallery height, bottom of the steel arches, floor, invert level, crown, cross-section of gallery, launch pit, Carolingian brickwork, sewer replacement, archaeological findings, central pillar, time of Charlemagne, shafts, right solution, degradation, documentation, 3D laser scanning, sprayed concrete, barrier material, concrete, loss of substance, preceded by timber sheets, stoppages, gang, sections of the gallery, city archaeologists, crown of the gallery, natural ground, Himmel & Hennig Bauunternehmen GmbH, water distribution system, DN 250, house connections, galleries driven, fixing devices, gallery construction, pits, shaft constructions, grouting material, collaboration, entire project.

A well-functioning brewery must be able to dispose of its wastewater perfectly
By René Pehlke and Thomas Siegmund

Lübzer Pils is one of the beacons of the central German beer landscape. After considerable investments in the almost 140 year-old brewery, one million hectolitres a year are now brewed by 200 employees. Over this period, the demands placed on the infrastructure have also increased, above all in matters of water management and environmental protection. Brewery wastewater, with its biochemically active ingredients, requires some sophisticated solutions for the materials of its valves. Corrosion protection and the resistance of materials provide the basis for sustainable operational capability.

Keywords: Wastewater valves, DN 40, DN 400, brewery, wastewater, town of Lübz, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, beer, expansion, investment, technology, annual capacity, Lübzer Pils, beer brands, central Germany, water, wells, aquifer, brewing process, mixing and equalising tank, public network, Lübz municipal wastewater service, sewage pressure pipe, wastewater treatment plant, shaft, valve, transfer shaft, exchange, amount of wastewater, materials, prEN 1171, ductile cast iron, EN-GJS-400-15 (GGG 40), epoxy powder coating, RAL – GZ 662, NBR (acrylonitrile-butadiene-elastomer) rubber coating, sliding wedge, matching of materials, spindle, spindle nut, actuating moments, corrosion, KEULAHÜTTE GmbH, experience, production programme, nominal size range, pressures, 16 bar, connection options, flanged joint, TYTON® push-in joints, PE weld-in ends, replacement, assembly, DAU Rohrleitungsbau GmbH, wastewater III type, pressure ratings, material, wedge, seal, functioning capability, GSK, heavy duty corrosion protection, soils, practical research, Dortmund materials testing institute, biogas, DIN 3230-5, PG (test groups), air, Lübz municipal utility company, operator, wastewater system, natural gas supply, municipal supplier, gas supply, water supply, heat supply, power supply, wastewater treatment, drinking water, renovations, industrial enterprises, expansion, investment strategy, decision of general principle, wastewater applications, drinking water networks, sectional view, drinking water pipeline, DN 150.

An example of the sustainable protection offered by cement mortar linings in ductile cast iron drinking water pipelines
By Florian Häusler and Stephan Hobohm

Sometimes it is also worth thinking about longheld certainties. One such certainty is the protective effect of cement mortar linings of ductile iron pipes. In this case theoretical analysis of long-known facts and a practical examination of a water pipe in operation for 35 years reinforce the certainty that the cement mortar lining of ductile iron pipes is, as ever, the best form of protection and one which becomes more effective with every year of operation. This knowledge is very valuable because constant “innovations“, for example in the area of thermoplastics, can tend rather to create uncertainty in the user.

Keywords:Cement mortar lining, ductile iron pipes, protection, drinking water pipelines, example, corrosion protection, points of view (physical, mechanical, hygienic, corrosion chemistry), years of experience, practice, fields of use, limits of use, physical working life, advantages, active protection system, metal pipes, finishing layer, tar, bitumen, water quality, incrustations, reduction, cross-section of the pipe, hydraulic performance, rusty water, pipe bursts, grey cast iron pipe, active corrosion protection, the way it works, contact, water, inside iron wall of the pipe, passive protection, pores, surface of the cast iron pipe, protection mechanism, free lime, cement clinker, calcium hydroxide, alkaline, interface, pH value, iron, passivating, diffusing, active protection effect, carbonate, interface, DVGW worksheet W 346, DIN 2880, application process, centrifugal rotation process, centrifuge spray  process, areas of use, EN 545, water parameters, Portland cement, sulphate-resistant cement, blast furnace slag cement, high alumina cement, carbon dioxide, sulphate, magnesium, ammonium, homogeneous structure, density, porosity, drinking water pipes, calcite dissolution capacity, Dc value , DIN 38404-10, German drinking water regulations (TrinkwV), drinking water distribution system, calcite solubility level, raw water, water parameters, experiences, drinking water pipeline, DN 125, medium carried, lime-carbon dioxide equilibrium, disintegration, erosion, buffering capacity, m-value, free carbon dioxide, optical examination, material loss, disintegration, pipe section, contact surface, cast iron, surface of the cast iron, traces of corrosions, internal surface of the pipe, adhesion, mortar, internal cohesion, mortar coating, inside surface of the pipe, pipe lining, investigation, Tillmann’s curve, DVGW Volume 5, water chemistry, laboratory investigation, layers, degree of carbonation, corrosion protection effect, carbonate, fine slurry layer, carbonation, increase in volume, water in the pipeline, moisture content, speed of carbonation, concrete moisture, weather, w/z value, DIN 2614, age, square root of time rule, depth of carbonation, operating time, pipe cut, pipe tapped, cracks, chips, thermoplastic linings, infiltration, rust formation, detachment, hygiene properties, results of the investigations, hydrates, silicon, calcium, calcium carbonate, flowing, cleft, limestone mountain, cement mortar coating.

Replacement of the pipeline connecting the Seere source to the Eimelrod elevated tank in Willingen-Eimelrod
By Ingolf Bittermann and Karl-Wilhelm Römer

It is not only in cities that tight spaces can cause difficulties for pipeline construction. Even in rural areas when, for example, the route of a pipeline runs along a narrow forest track, original ideas can help create cost-effective solutions. When it came to replacing an old main transporting pipeline it was essential that operation was not interrupted during the work. So first of all an interim pipeline was laid above ground along the shoulder of the forest road. Once the old pipeline had been dismantled and the new pipes had been laid, the pipes of the temporary pipeline could be taken up and used again on the second half of the route where more space was available. Ductile iron pipes with restrained push-in joints permit cost-saving processes of this kind without difficulty.

Keywords: Construction of new drinking water pipeline, DN 150, replacement, pipeline connecting the source of the Seere, elevated tank, district of Eimelrod, Willingen-Eimelrod, town of Willingen/Upland, Hesse, health resort, water supply, district of Hemmighausen, water supply connection, water supply pipeline, DN 100, grey cast iron, pipe bursts, bottlenecks in supply, winter months, repair work, forest track, Upland water supply association, engineering office of Oppermann GmbH, Vellmar, planning, construction management, construction supervision, replacement, main water supply pipeline, construction period, stages of progress, transport of water, accessibility, terrain, site machinery, construction site, complication, width of track, trees, out of commission, wooded area, emergency water supply pipeline, emergency water pipeline, positive locking BLS® push-in joints, along the verge, existing network, ductile cast iron (GGG), double use, costs, open technique, soil survey, rock, trencher, pipe trench, alternative solution, construction work, renovation, well collecting shaft, alterations, choice of pipe material, dismantling, socket pressure pipes, EN 545, DIN 28603, DVGW type-testing certificate, DVGW test specification GW 337, sealing, TYTON® seals, EPDM (ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer), EN 681-1, protection, piping system, external zinc coating, cement mortar coating, EN 15542, cement mortar lining, blast furnace slag  cement, company G. Jordan GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Arolsen, locating, existing pipeline, dismantling, depth of cover of pipe, sections, rock trencher, excavated materials, wooded area, laying the pipe, sand, pipe bedding, storage sites, pipe installed, dismantled, power cables, control cables, empty conduits, service connection, renovation work, construction phases, reuse, construction costs, agreed price, pipe lengths, installation situation.

DN 600 drinking water pipeline in Altach
By Werner Siegele and Roland Gruber

A DN 600 mains water pipeline which has seen better days has developed a major leak. 2,000 m³ of drinking water are being lost but a direct repair of the damage is impossible because the pipeline has been built over – in fact built over with the stands of the local football stadium. Because the pipeline is ailing anyway it will be “retired” once a bypass has been laid. DN 600 ductile iron pipes with cement mortar coating and restrained push-in joints laid in open trenches will provide the necessary flexibility here.

Keywords: Partial replacement, drinking water pipeline, DN 600, district of Altach, football stadium, leak, stands, section of pipeline, Rheintal drinking water association, quality, ductile iron pipes, drinking water bypass, Altach football ground, total length, drinking water, ground, toilets and washrooms, district of Alberschwende, district of Dornbirn, district of Götzis, district of Hohenems, district of Lustenau, district of Mäder, district of Schwarzach, pumping station, Rhine Foreland, total annual volume, transport pipelines, SCR Altach, repairs, section of pipeline, stadium area, training area, planning work, construction supervision, planning office of Adler+Partner Ziviltechniker GmbH, Klaus, construction company Wilhelm+Mayer Bau GmbH, weather conditions, bypass pipeline, route, Vorarlberg, buildings, high pressure natural gas pipeline, excavation work, digger operators, overhead lines, soil, susceptible to settlement, groundwater, trench bottom, dewatering, interim storage, gravel bed, open trench, motorway exit, steel casing, DN 1000, ground, supply pipeline, nominal size, TIROLER ROHRE GmbH, Hall in Tirol, restrained push-in joints, BLS® system, flexibility, concrete thrust blocks, joint system, lining, cement mortar, working life, active protection, cast iron pipe material, information, how it works, cement mortar lining, project data, project name, application , location, client, contractor, planning, total construction time, length of pipeline, wall thickness, K 9, jointing elements, cement mortar coating, requirements, high pipeline flexibility, match operations, stadium operations, drinking water supply, investment.

Ductile iron pipes as an integral element of the Vienna “Gürtel ring road offensive”
By Gerald Pasa and Günter Seefried

As the capital of the one-time Habsburg Empire and rich in tradition, Vienna is the cradle of standardisation in the industrial age: it was here in 1882 that the pipe standards came into being – the forerunners of today’s cast-iron pipe standards. And a few of the supply pipelines laid in the ring roads are of a similar age, but they now need to be replaced under the most difficult working conditions. The Vienna water supply department (MA 31) is fully committed to ductile iron pipe systems because it does not want to have to open up the surface of the busiest streets in Austria again for another 100 years.

Keywords: Replacement, ductile iron pipes, DN 700, Vienna “Gürtel ring road offensive”, City of Vienna, modernisation project, water supply pipelines, inner and outer ring roads, 8th district, 9th district, 18th district, 20th district, 16th district, 17th district, section of pipeline, Hernalser ring road, length, supply service, traffic volumes, vehicles per day, direction of travel, contractors, road users, residents, challenges, replacement, renovation work, drinking water pipeline, Vienna ring road, sections, project data, water mains, pipe material, cast iron, operational security, durability, operation, road surfaces, water mains pipes, several years, alternating work, application, location, client, Wiener Wasser (MA 31), construction company, contractor, Kraft und Wärme, Baumeister Dipl.-Ing. Mörtinger & Co. GmbH, planning, total construction time, nominal size, pressure, connection elements, BLS® push-in joints, coating, zinc coating, epoxy finishing layer, cement mortar lining, requirements, traffic, traffic concept, flow of traffic, road traffic, Austria, installation work, diversion, work at night, work at weekends, TIROLER ROHRE GmbH, TRM, EN 545, transport, drinking water, information, cement mortar lining, diffusion resistant, hygienic, ease and speed of installation, work on the ring road, roads and lanes.

Domestic no-screw connection valves for communal water supply
By Thomas Kunzmann and Peter Oppinger

An example of the ever more complex requirements being placed on system components for drinking water supplies can be seen on an originally simple component, the domestic connection valve. Naturally these valves must meet the demands of durability and functional reliability. But because they need to be able to be used with the widest variety of main pipe materials, they have to be able to be fitted and removed as far as possible by hand and without any additional tool in the pipe trench and they should allow the main pipe to be drilled whether or not it is pressurised. A smart system construction kit is the result of development.

Keywords:Domestic connection valves, water supply, environment, engineering technology, process technology, requirements, planners, operators, water supply networks, operational security, reliability, choices, economic viewpoint, products, installation advantages, operational security, quality, ease of operation, components, corrosion, tightness, VAG TERRA®lock, house connection system, domestic drinking water connections, customer benefits, system components, special tools, combination possibilities, replacing, refurbishing, domestic connections, plug connection, range of domestic connections, VAG BAIO®plus, bayonet plug-type connection, plug connection technology, manual assembly, pipe trench, locking ring, release, use of tools, corrosion protection, threaded area, plug fitting, tooth marks, PE pipe, pulling test, clamp connector, epoxy power coating, EP coating, RAL – GZ 662, GSK quality, coating thickness, no-screw, corrosion problems, fitting, cast iron components, foundry, material, GGG-40, bending capability, rotated, flexibility, tensile forces, piping system, backfilling, compacting, bedding, interface, house connection pipe, cast iron housing, junction point, segmented clamping ring, dismantled, additional tools, toothed form, grooving, notching effect, surface of the pipe, combination possibilities, modular system, new, operating pressure, house connection pipelines, installation situations, domestic water connections, supply pipelines, tapping machine, connection piece, saddle pieces, clamped connections, iron pipes, steel pipes, PVC pipes, PE pipes, ball shut-off, older installations, refurbishing fitting, sliding sleeve, pivoting ability, top of the tapping fitting, types of fitting, secure against tensile stresses, conversion adapter, system range, installation situation, available space, vertical tapping, horizontal tapping, integral main shut-off device, further development, bayonet connection, secure assembly, corrosion protection, hygiene, drinking water supply pipelines.

Renovating Aggerverband pipeline 10a using adapter couplings
By Dieter Wonka, Klaus Eisenhuth and Martin Herker

After being in operation for 5 decades, a DN 500 asbestos cement pipeline has been given a new lining by in-situ lining with cement mortar. The access openings created for this every 120 m have been reclosed with short lengths of ductile iron pipes and adapter couplings. The manufacturer and user “trimmed” the adapter couplings to the extreme conditions in the field. After that, their application on site proceeded without problem: a great example of how collaboration between user and manufacturer can automatically bring developments to a successful conclusion.

Keywords:Mechanical joints, renovating, pipeline section 10a, Aggerverband, adapter couplings, water supply company, replacement of RS33 pipeline, EADIPS®/FGR®  volume 47, renewal, fittings, valves, replacement of pipes, completion, ductile iron pipes, drinking water pipeline, asbestos cement pipes, DN 500, year of construction 1967, supply reasons, layer to prevent wearing, cement mortar, water, waterworks at Eulenhagen, Müllenbach I and II, elevated tanks, access, lining, pipeline, lengths of pipe, closing, material properties, cement mortar lining, external diameters, mechanical couplings, U-Flex, double-wedge shape, seal, elastomer material, twisting the cross-section, pipe surface, bolts, capabilities to compensate, old pipeline, ductile iron pipe section, asbestos cement pipes, sectional exploded view, ovality, separation, sides of the coupling, double bolting, E-book 08.2014, Ductile iron pipe systems, chapter 10, production, assembly, expensive, installation force, surface structures, wall thicknesses, aged material, overloaded, simple screw connections, coupling elements, compression rings, axial force, difference in cross-sections, types of pipe, pipe bedding, old pipe stock, EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) seals, measures to counteract tensile forces, diameter range, order placed, couplings manufacturer, single flange (F-piece), EN 545, spigot end, flange adapter, E-Flex, thrust, hydraulic cylinder, test bench, tightness testing, installation instructions, torque, extreme dimensions, bolt tightening torque, water pressure, tightening, internal pressure of the water, function testing, internal hydrostatic pressure, series production, commissioning, Flex connection types.

New evolutionary stage for the double eccentric butterfly valve
By Robert Kampfl

Evolution is never-ending! However good a butterfly valve might be, there is always room for improvement. And with modern computer programming the structure of the disc of the butterfly can be optimised to the extent that, even with large nominal sizes (DN = 600) and high nominal pressures (PN = 25) and despite increased degrees of stiffness, there is only a minimal narrowing of the free cross-section. To achieve this, the disc eyes are incorporated into the support structure. The ?-values obtained in numerical simulations can be backed up by flow tests in the field. With additional innovations (such as impactresistant enamelling) and proven construction details (such as polygonal couplings between shaft and butterfly disc, slider crank drive) all this adds up to a new development stage for the butterfly valve.

Keywords: Development, new double eccentric butterfly valve, evolutionary stage, ERHARD GmbH & Co. KG, production of valves, valve disc design, ROCO wave, wave phenomenon , closing element, optimise stiffness, disc eyes, scope of optimisation, wave design, stiffness, valve disc, constriction, valve body, narrowing, free flow cross-section, cross-section surface, seat diameter, flow values, operating costs, pump, results, flow simulation, tests, skeleton valve disc, pressure ratings, nominal sizes, DN > 600, PN = 25, skeleton design, construction, ?-value, corrosion protection, drinking water quality, robust, energy efficient, materials, medium, safeguard, materials, DVGW test specification W 363, DVGW worksheet W 270, EN 1074-2, DVGW type testing certificate, suitable for drinking water, corrosion, standard protection, epoxy coating, higher demands, Pro-Enamel, abrasive media, acids, alkalis, shaft materials, types of coating, full rubberisation, special high-alloy material, valve seat, aggressive media, precision, patented bearing seals, complete enclosure, polygonal technique, shaft-hub joint, securing elements, cracks, fibres, crack development, layer of pure enamel, substrate material, bonding zone, adhesion zone, iron, shaft bearings, range of products, construction principle, DN 150, DN 1600, PN 10, PN 40, construction changes, optimisation, skeleton construction, valve drive, slider-crank mechanism, SKG, rated torques, characteristics, knee lever system, torque requirement, closing process, opening process, pressure surges, EN ISO 5211, drive connection, valve applications, transmission units, drive units, innovative features, energy saving, valve disc construction, transmission interface, drive system, blow-out, EN 593, polygonal coupling, DVGW certification.

Replacement of gate valves – examples in a gate valve cross-fitting installation and an elevated tank
By Norbert Knekow and Marc Flore

Replacement of gate valves – examples in a gate valve cross-fitting installation and an elevated tankOnly valves and fittings in ductile cast iron combine with the pipes to form a complete workable system. This becomes particularly apparent when repair or renovation work has to be carried out on existing equipment. Modern valves are tailored to suit these special jobs, for example exchange and repair valves with loose flanges for installation in an elevated tank or a combination of fittings and valves for a buried crossfitting installation. Modern jointing techniques and above all corrosion protection to the highest level safeguard the functioning of equipment for many more decades.

Keywords: Replacement, gate valves, examples, gate valve cross-fitting installation, Wohlhagen elevated tank, renewal, Am Wimmersberg road, Schlüterstraße, town of Erkrath, Stadtwerke Erkrath GmbH, zone separation, supply pipelines, domestic gas connection, domestic water connection, nominal sizes, DN 200, DN 250, DN 300, constructed in 1952, fittings, ductile cast iron, epoxy powder, GSK guideline, RAL – GZ 662, valves, DIN 51178, DEV guidelines, products, made in Germany, company Düker GmbH & Co. KGaA, supplier, installed, gate valves, enamelled inside and outside, type 4004, design PN 10/16, underground hydrant, type 304, DN 300/DN 250/DN 200 all flanged tee, flange pipes, epoxy coating, connection, pipeline, restrained flanged sockets, Düker SPEZIAL type, screwed socket joints, clamping ring, flange fitting, renovation, water supply, residential area, replacement valve, repair valve, Brilon AöR public utility company, water treatment plant, elevated tank, capacity, district of Alme, Alme I and II deep wells, groundwater, town centre, gravity, drinking water supply system, town of Brilon, short face-to-face length F4, dismantling joint, DN 100, PN 16, model: Düker type 2004, EN 1074-1, EN 1074-2, EN 558, basic series 14, loose flanges, assembly, integrated flange gasket, downtime costs, hammer, chisel, rotatable flange, flange drill pattern, tension-free installation.

Trenchless installation of ductile iron pipes at the Wildnispark Zürich
By Roger Saner

The trenchless replacement of old pipelines along the same route using the static burst lining process has mainly been carried out in inner-city environments where the creation of open trenches is becoming ever more difficult because of the restricted allocation of space for pipelines underground as well as traffic congestion. Thus the oeconomic success of a trenchless replacement in a local recreation area near Zurich is all the more astonishing. In this case it was topographical and economic considerations which led to the use of ductile iron pipes in the burst lining process.

Keywords: Burst lining process, DN 125, trenchless installation, ductile iron pipes, Wildnispark, city of Zürich, Sihlwald, population, nature experience area, recreational area, nature experience and recreational area, nature experience and recreational area, use, natural forest, Zürich Wildnispark foundation, Canton of Zürich, Langenberg wildlife park, visitor centre, natural countryside, animals, municipal district, of Langnau am Albis, animal park, animal enclosures, in the wild, wild animal enclosure, restaurant, supply pipelines, asbestos cement, DN 100, drinking water, drinking water supply, water supply, plan to replace, total length, route of the pipeline, planning, execution, pipeline construction, children’s play area, requirement, during construction work, kitchens, washrooms, animal park restaurant, visitors, section of pipeline, Albisstraße (main road), avenue of trees, examination, analysis, open construction technique, trenchless technique, static burst lining, old pipeline materials, grey cast iron, steel, PE, PVC, stoneware, full-protection pipes, vonRoll ECOPUR, ready for installation, push-in joint, HYDROTIGHT, installation, protective cones, stainless steel sheet, ECOPUR pipe, traction head, drinking water supply system, reinforced coating, polyurethane (PUR), EN 545, integral internal and external coating, EN 15655, EN 15189, PUR coating, trenchless installation technique, friction forces, pipe, soil, slender form of sockets, low pull-in forces, forces, assembly, quick, simple, pull-in pits, rubber sleeves, shrink-on sleeves, installation work, Orellistraße, forest area, stages, beneath, pipeline installation work, disruptions, restricting, pipe pulling work, installation work, DVGW technical instruction GW 323, SVGW guideline W4, temperatures, freezing point, pipeline connection, stage of construction, Christmas 2013, launching pits, intermediate pits, target pits, domestic connection pipelines, daily stages, cutting open, asbestos cement pipelines, roller-carried knife, pull-in channels, upsizing head, pulled in, traction forces, online measurement, lowering the pipe, traction force measurement, bursting equipment, concrete thrust blocks, underpinning, launch pit, play area, maximum traction forces, PUR external coating, slender form of the socket, external diameter, client, planning engineers, construction contractor, pipeline constructor, alternative processes, innovative piping material, topographical circumstances, installation conditions, environmentally friendly, efficient.

Directional drilling with cast iron pipes in inner-city areas
By Alexander Bauer and Stephan Hobohm

The single-pipe assembly of ductile iron pipes using the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) technique has become established practice above all in inner-city areas where space is tight. And it is precisely with this technique that ductile iron pipes can proudly show off their advantages, such as short installation times with the maximum permissible tractive force and no waiting times as well as the lowest bend radiuses, as compared with any competing material. Under pressure of time and with restricted inner-city conditions, it is almost inevitable that ductile iron pipes will be the answer whenever a pipeline is to be replaced!

Keywords: Horizontal directional drilling process, DN 400, directional drilling, ductile iron pipes, inner city areas, FairEnergie GmbH, subsidiary, Stadtwerke Reutlingen GmbH, multi-division supply company, city of Reutlingen, power, natural gas, district heating, drinking water, drinking water transport pipeline, “Alte Burg” elevated tank, “Scheibengipfel” elevated tank, major main roads, railway line, city of Tübingen, security of supply, urban area, steel pipeline, replaced, certain areas, planning, section “Konrad-Adenauer-Straße”, “Networks and structures planning” department, open trench technique, railways, Deutsche Bahn, trenchless technique, horizontal directional drilling process (HDD), DVGW worksheet GW 321, advantages, amount of space required, traffic, progress of work, piping material, steel pipes, pre-welded pipe string, welding times, subsequent insulation times, plastic pipes, restrained BLS® push-in joints, no preliminary laying out, pipe-by-pipe pulling-in, launching ramp, little disruption to traffic, assembly, installation, short assembly times, nominal size, joint protection, subsequent coating, mobile equipment, processing, drilling mud, jacking, protective pipe, railway line, intermediate construction pit, pipe store, launching ramp, no cooling time, permissible traction force, high traction forces, pulling durations, temperatures, reductions, lower curve radius, minimum curve radius, proven external protection, cement mortar lining, aggressive and stony soils, EN 545, DVGW worksheet W 400-2, references, pipeline projects, HDD process, branch, crossing, railway lines, routing of the pipeline, starting point, finishing point, gas and water crossings guidelines (GWKR 2012), railway systems, crossing beneath, pipe jacking, pipe-jacking work, geotechnical report, DVGW worksheet GW 304, pipes > DN 200, railway crossing, steel protection pipe, DN 800, horizontal thrust boring process, media pipe, DVGW worksheet GW 320-1, route, drilling equipment, traffic island, corner Schafstallstraße and Konrad-Adenauer-Straße, location, drilling, general plan, upsizing, maximum cover, traction force, drinking water pipeline, water from Lake Constance, operating pressure of 10 bars, blast furnace slag cement, fittings, internal and external coating, enamel, shaft, pipe burst, 110 kV cable, pilot drilling, soil analyses, Lias mudstone, secondary fissure, Achalm fault, deflection, fault, overcut, external diameter of the sockets, rubber sleeve, steel sheet cone, damaged, EN 15542, joint areas, mechanical protection, metal sheet cone, pipeline material, permissible traction forces, minimum permissible curve radiuses, weight of the pipe string, ballasting, DN 250, DN 300, weight, crown, progress of installation, pipe-by-pipe assembly, measurement, gyrocompass, pipe-pulling, traction head, pull rods, assembly process, pulling process, overall length, interruptions, assembly time, assembling the joint, protecting the joint, interruptions to the work, traction forces measured, pipe socket, flanged spigot, blank flange, railway crossing, rate of progress, total length, relining process, sliding skids, connection, costs, new pipeline, construction time, problem, subsoil, cramped inner city conditions, QR code, video.

Pressure pipeline for diverting karst water in the access tunnel of a new pumped-storage power plant
By Roger Saner

In Switzerland, with its topography which is predestined for the production of renewable energy on the basis of hydroelectric power, a large pumped-storage power plant is currently being built. It is capable both of generating power and of storing it for periods of high demand. The shield-driving of the 8 m diameter access tunnel to the machine and transformer cavern cut into two karst water aquifers. The seasonally fluctuating filling of these needs to be diverted so that the construction of the pumped-storage power plant can continue. The two DN 250 ductile iron pipelines required for this were suspended in the upper area of the access tunnel so as to impede the clear cross-section of the tunnel as little as possible. The planning for the iron pipes was a virtuoso performance with restrained and non-restrained joints along a run with a 24 % gradient – a very instructive example of how almost any conceivable problem can be solved with ductile iron pipes.

Keywords:Pressure pipeline, DN 250, diverting, karst water, access tunnel, pumped storage power plant, Linth-Limmern power station, Linthal power station, Canton of Glarus, source of the River Linth, tributaries, catchment area, power production, hydroelectric power, Kraftwerke Linth-Limmern AG, electricity group AXPO, Muttsee and Tierfehd cavern power plants, construction, plant, commissioning, power source, hydroelectric power, power supply, Switzerland, expansion project, storage power station, advantage, peak times, power, excess power, low load periods, water, reservoir, pumped storage, environmentally friendly, supply, demand, power grid, mountain construction site, Mutten mountain, municipality of Linthal, Europe, project of the century, investment costs, Limmernsee, times of peak demand, barrage, pumping capacity, turbine output, total output, Leibstadt nuclear power station, opening up, caverns, machine cavern, transformer cavern, diameter, length, generator gallery, height, longitudinal section of Muttsee, pressure tunnel, pressure shaft, Muttsee barrage, section, mountain, transition, bottom station, sloping tunnel, sliding consoles, connection, collecting tank tunnel metre, transport, machine parts, cable railway, normal operation, loads, special loads, installation, transformers, entry tunnel, drilling and blasting, shotcrete, excavation, sloping, tunnel boring machine, anchors, nets, rubble, Quintner limestone, total weight, modifying the terrain, tunnel boring work, karst water springs, underground watercourses, karst rock, carbonic acid, volumes of karst water, fluctuations, Winter, height, valve chamber, portal area, restricted amount of space, clearance zone, volume of water, filled up, overflow edges, reservoir, turbine cooling, drainage pipeline, outfall channel, DN 400, capacity, relief pipeline, combining structure, equalising reservoir, assembly conditions, tunnel vault, static pressure, height difference, height difference, choice of pipe material, ductile iron pipes, restrained push-in joints, vonRoll, types of pipe, access portal, DUCPUR, class K 7, K 9, K 10, total length, ECOPUR, standard pipes, zinc coating, bitumen finishing layer, EN 545, internal lining, polyurethane (PUR), EN 15655, full-protection pipes, EN 15189, PUR coating, planning, tunnel construction, engineering office, tunnel project, free-hanging pressure pipelines, deflecting forces, zinc-coated steel consoles, threaded bolts, unevenness, level differences, tunnel walls, base plates, high-strength liquid mortar, changes of direction, niches, fixed points, pipe socket, fitting socket, transmit forces, restrained joints, wall penetration, fixed point consoles, formwork, filling, thrust protection system, HYDROTIGHT, Fig. 2806, Fig. 2807 A, redirection of forces, longitudinal movements, difficult assembly, double pipeline, longitudinal gradient, pipeline construction work, delaying, installation location, mini-digger, auxiliary scaffolding, small lifting platforms, deadline specified, construction management, pipeline construction companies, assembly of the pipes, shift work around the clock, working days, operations, safe operation, external thrust protection, internal thrust protection, straight, working underground, breached, incidents, construction materials, engineers, construction specialists, karst water pressure pipeline, strength properties, innovative coatings.

Home-produced power for processing home-grown wood – Baron Mayr-Melnhof-Saurau backs energy independence
By Rudolf Stelzl and Roland Gruber

A large Styrian forestry and timber production company is backing renewable energy. As well as woodland, there is also a watercourse which belongs to the group and which has enough of a gradient to be able to generate power with a Pelton turbine. When implementing the Gössbach I project all sustainability aspects were taken into account: fish ladders are provided to help the fish migrating upstream to reach the source unhindered; the machine house, simply built using the company’s own wood, blends unobtrusively into the landscape and, naturally, the penstock has been constructed using the most sustainable pipe material – ductile cast iron. With home-generated power, the group can operate its sawmill with complete selfsufficiency in energy.

Keywords:turbine pipeline, DN 800, home-produced power, home-grown wood, Baron Mayr-Melnhof-Saurau, energy independence, Baron Franz VI, Gössbach 1 power station, energy requirements, town of Leoben, sawmill, ecological resources, forest estate, initial situation, aims, sustainability, economic performance, use, renewable energy, fishing rights, synergy benefits, overall planning, project management, SchueTo-Austria Ingenieurbüro für Umwelttechnik, Dr. Thomas Schützeneder, grounds, Mayr-Melnhof property, potential for water power, idea, planning phase, approvals, technical know-how, interTechno Engineering GmbH planning office, official procedures, cube shape , flat roof, landscape, Norwegian style, option, advantage, roof, machine installations, overhaul, repair work, cost effective, timber construction, material, timber mill, Pelton turbine, high efficiency, Gössbach, GLOBAL HYDRO ENERGY GmbH (GHE), standard output capacity, flow control, smooth running, displacement, impeller, synchronous three-phase generator, Hitzinger GmbH, shut-off valves, drainage and bypass pipelines, machine components, initial commissioning, output, powerhouse, Norwegian style, four-jet GHE Pelton turbine, equipped with Hitzinger synchronous 3-phase generator, Maria Kaltenbrunn spring, hydraulic steelwork, Mayrhofer Maschinenbau GmbH, district of Wenigzell, Tyrolean weir, inlet control valve, inlet protection, electromechanical drive, hydraulic flushing sluice, pipe protection for emergency shutdown, fine screen cleaning system, control technology, hydraulics, screen cleaning machine, quality, maintenance-friendly, fish ladder, natural-looking pond-type bypass, residual flow, run-off channel, bank revetment, aquatic continuity, changeover ramp, total length, gross head, nominal size, TIROLER ROHRE GmbH – TRM, project data, wall thickness, K 9, connection elements, BLS®, TYTON®, push-in joints, zinc coating, epoxy finishing layer, Portland cement mortar, coating, lining, requirements, solution provider, system supplier, responsibility, manufacturer, Alpine terrain, ductile cast iron, water transport, deep foundations, building structures, durable properties, innovative product technology, competence, application areas, water industry, civil engineering industry, ecological criteria, choice of piping material, construction techniques, recycling industry, sheet metal bales, steel scrap, ecological footprint, excavation material, bedding material, heavy vehicles, route of the pressure pipeline, path, forest road, route taken by the pipe, cast-iron pipeline, restrained joints, substructure, geotextile, accessibility, slopes, pipe installation, “Augenbründl” mineral spring, pilgrimage chapel, drinking water, installing the pipeline, sawmill, three shifts, power line, electric cables, empty conduit, optical fibres, cable installation, premises, Mayr-Melnhof sawmill, production, electricity, Mayr-Melnhof Holz Holding AG, energy supply, 30 kV line, telecoms, pipe trench, fibre optic cables, telecommunications cables, final acceptance, showcase project, population, environmentally friendly, infrastructure, hiking trail, destination.

Extending the Samina pumped-storage plant in Liechtenstein
By Steffen Ertelt

After more than 60 years of operation, a hydropower station in the Principality of Liechtenstein is being renovated and simultaneously extended to create a pumped-storage plant. And here, once again, DN 900 ductile iron pipes, PFA = 45 bar, with restrained push-in joints are being used because they have all the advantages on their side: simple, fast and secure assembly, coarse-grained excavation material can be put back in the same place, wall thicknesses can be adjusted to the pressures depending on the altitude. When it comes to the development of renewable energy, the sustainable ductile iron pipe is the clear favourite!

Keywords:Power station pipeline, DN 900, extending, pumped storage plant, Samina power station, Principality of Liechtenstein, pumped storage plant, inspection, pressure pipeline, apparatus room, district of Masescha, central building, Schwefelstraße, city of Vaduz (capital of Liechtenstein, defects, renovation, expensive, new construction, Liechtensteiner Kraftwerke (LKW), options, fleet of power plants, client, power station control centre, extension, longitudinal section, future, electrical power supply, construction costs, project as a whole, DN 750, pipeline, advantage, areas of land, earthworks, total length, machine centre, Schwefel Vaduz, Pelton turbines, output, pressure pumps, water, Steg reservoir, catchment area, pumping station, reservoir, rock, underground storage tunnel, hydroelectric power station, difference in altitude, volume of water, supply pipelines, high pressure pipelines, extreme conditions of the terrain, steep slopes, access, pipe material, demands, functionality, installation, working life, ductile iron pipe systems, EN 545, material, ductile cast iron, safety margins, BLS® restrained push-in joints, weather, cement mortar coating, EN 15542, welded bead, welding work, weld seam inspection, on site, steeply sloping areas, extreme gradients, saving time, saving costs, external protection of the pipe, layer of zinc, active pipe protection, soils, aggressiveness, preliminary soil investigations, fibre reinforcement, PE net bandaging, mechanical stresses, coarse stony soil, positive-locking, socket joint, pipe socket, locking chamber, pushed in, spigot end of the pipe, window openings, end face of the socket, locking segments, traction forces, internal pressure, pulled through, trenchless technique, locks, front of the locking chamber, sizing, wall thicknesses, pressure ratios, preparatory work, pipe tunnel, surge chamber, bearing brackets, steel clamps, roller support structure, transport technique, transporting, pipe transport, transport rollers, buried pipes, topographical conditions, gradient, ductile iron pipes, joint welding, cableway, pipe assembly, installation team, section, bad weather conditions, snow, potential hazards, interruption, installation location, slope, trench, down the slope, tension, rock fragments, cleaning expenses, cleaning purposes, inspection purposes, all flanged tee, DN 600 branch, baffle plate, crown of the pipe, continuous piping surface, turbulence, pipe burst protection device, security, access for cleaning, access for inspection, turbine pipeline, area of application, cost-effectively, quick and easy assembly,  excavation material, bedding materials, largest grain size, savings potentials, material properties,  exceptional loads, pipe wall thickness, allowable operating pressure.

Ductile iron pipe systems – durability and sustainability in practice
By Jürgen Rammelsberg

In April 2014 the Vienna municipal authorities department MA 31 (Wiener Wasser) was the host at the university lecturers conference which EADIPS®/FGR® together with the FIHB (Fördergemeinschaft zur Information der Hochschullehrer für das Bauwesen e. V. / association promoting information for lecturers of construction engineering) traditionally organises every two years. Presentations at the event were given under the motto “sustainability, efficiency, durability” and they were highlighted with the practical experiences of the host in Vienna with ductile iron pipe systems. In addition, specialists from the pipe manufacture reported on trenchless installation techniques and energy efficiency gains with the use of ductile iron pipes.

Keywords:EADIPS®/FGR® university  lecturers  conference 2014, ductile iron pipe systems, durability, sustainability, practice, FIHB (Fördergemeinschaft zur Information der Hochschullehrer für das Bauwesen e. V.), association promoting information for construction engineering lecturers, Vienna municipal authorities, department MA 31, Vienna Water, university  lecturers, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, arguments, water supplier, network, sustainable management, lecture event, “Old Valve Chamber” in Vienna, Vienna Waterworks, seminar, presentations, motto of sustainability, engineer Franz Weyrer, supply of drinking water, public service, privatised supply company, municipal enterprise, city administration, water, high karst water springs, Styria, Lower Austria, mountain spring pipelines, natural gravity, water resource, river bank filtrate, Danube, supply network, pressure zones, total length, proportion of cast iron pipe, energy potential, fresh water power stations, power, water supply, pumps, pressure, elevated tanks, network of pipelines, target, whole system, operators, manufacturers, scientists, focal point , concern, damage, repairs, cooperation, TIROHLER ROHRE GmbH, Hall in Tirol, production, pipes, fittings, further development, corrosion protection, customer needs, Vienna Technical University, metallurgy, coating technology, Graz Technical University, statistics, data collection, non-damaged-based status survey, strategies, maintenance and renewal strategy, economic and technical viewpoints, optimum external coating, trench opened up, domestic connection, moving pipelines, civil engineering work, status, exposed pipe, questionnaire, sets of data, external surface, GGG pipes (ductile iron pipes), Daniela Fuchs-Hanusch, assistant professor and doctor of engineering studies, statistical evaluation, knowledge, how to manage the pipeline network, practical knowledge, section of pipeline, previous damage, corrosion phenomena, external conditions, soil type, type of coating, area of application, organic thin-layer bituminous coatings, first generation, tar, active coatings (zinc plus finishing layer), surveys, minor excavations, soil characteristics, piping system, engineer Anita Peintner MBA, maintenance, repair, large valves, 19th century, spare parts, tables, Viennese standard components, standard pipe components from 1882, more recent developments, gate valves, nominal size DN 600, DN 700, butterfly valves, bypass, pressure compensation, opening torque, wear, gland packing, PUR elastomers, stock of spare parts, dismantled, butterfly valves, double-eccentric, soft-sealed, seal, gear mechanism, axial piston type control valves, water reservoir, framework contracts, external contractors, speakers, pipe manufacturers, programme of lectures, Roger Saner, engineer from vonRoll hydro (suisse) ag, PUR lining, PUR external coating, energy efficiency, cast iron pipelines, EN 15655, EN 15189, projects, Swiss family home, used air, wastewater, heat, space heating, hot water, self-sufficient in energy, small hydropower plants, renewable energy, advantages, ductile fittings, ecosystem, Valais, Ticino, water from Lake Geneva, thermal capacity, heating, primary circuit, decentralised heat pumps, property, heating energy, Steffen Ertelt, engineer from Duktus Rohrsysteme Wetzlar GmbH, Wetzlar, recent developments, trenchless installation process, features, joint technology, thrust resistance, external protection, cement mortar coating, EN 15542, mechanical loading capacities, HDD process, pipe-by-pipe assembly, pipe string pulling, burst lining, DVGW technical instruction GW 323, long pipe relining, DVGW worksheet GW 320-1, ploughing, DVGW worksheet GW 324, press-pull technique, DVGW worksheet GW 322-1, experience, programme of excursions, visits, reservoir, Wienerberg water tower, teaching and research, structure, total area, events space, 10th and 12th districts, storage capacity, steel tanks, elevated tank, exhibitions, Rosenhügel reservoir, door, underground, Kaiser Franz Joseph, SteirerStuben, exchange of experiences.

Updated EADIPS®/FGR® E-book

Keywords:E-book 08.2014, EADIPS®/FGR®, ductile iron pipe systems, pipes, fittings, valves, ductile cast iron, website,, changes, German-language version, English-language version, Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Ductile cast iron as a material, Chapter 3: Production of pipes, fittings and valves, Chapter 7.3: Isolation valves, Chapter 7.4: Tapping valves, Chapter 7.7: Hydrants, search functions, applications, content, graphics, pictures, text, disclaimer, reproduction, notes.