More than 30 years’ experience with ductile iron pipe systems for snow-making equipment
In the winters of the 1980’s when snowfall was low, the need grew for snow-making facilities in the Alps. The operators and planners …
In the winters of the 1980’s when snowfall was low, the need grew for snow-making facilities in the Alps. The operators and planners …
In den schneearmen Wintern der 1980er wuchs der Bedarf nach Beschneiungsanlagen in den Alpen. Betreiber und Planer von Beschneiungsanlagen waren auf der Suche nach einem robusten …
In future, wastewater will flow from the municipality of Zumikon down into the wastewater treatment plant of the municipality of Küsnacht on Lake Zurich. The plan is …
In Zukunft wird Abwasser aus der Gemeinde Zumikon bis in die Abwasserreinigungsanlage (ARA) der Gemeinde Küsnacht am Zürichsee fließen. Die Höhendifferenz von 180 m wird künftig in einem Kleinwasserkraftwerk mittels Turbine für die …
Hamburg Wasser operates a drinking water pipeline network which is around 5,400 km long. Some 900 km of pipelines have a nominal size greater than DN 300. The number of shutoff fittings is correspondingly large, and …